Do you have any employees earning more than the job is worth? Do you have new employees starting at higher pay rates than employees who have been in the same job for a few years? Employees react more negatively to being paid unfairly compared to co-workers than to the pay rates offered by other companies. On our survey one compensation related question is “As far as you know, are you paid fairly compared to others in your department?” What do you think is the average percentage favorable response?
a. 51%
b. 61%
c. 71%
d. 81%
Choose one on the poll to the right and click the link below to check your answer.
The purpose of this blog is to be a resource for HR and labor relations professionals. It will give you an opportunity to become familiar with F&H Solutions Group, stay abreast of changes related to the human capital industry and develop a better understanding of the attitudes of employees and supervisors. Our blog posts are designed to be thought provoking, educational, and interactive. Things are changing very rapidly in this industry and we hope you can rely on us to be a source of information. We look forward to your comments and hope you find our content helpful. Please feel free to pass the blog link on to others who might be interested.
Survey Says

How would your employees rate the reputation of your Company in the community? On our survey we ask, “Does the Company have a good name in the community?” What do you think is the average percentage favorable response?
a. 62%
b. 72%
c. 82%
d. 92%
Choose one on the poll to the right and click the link below to check your answer.
Survey Says
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