The purpose of this blog is to be a resource for HR and labor relations professionals. It will give you an opportunity to become familiar with F&H Solutions Group, stay abreast of changes related to the human capital industry and develop a better understanding of the attitudes of employees and supervisors. Our blog posts are designed to be thought provoking, educational, and interactive. Things are changing very rapidly in this industry and we hope you can rely on us to be a source of information. We look forward to your comments and hope you find our content helpful. Please feel free to pass the blog link on to others who might be interested.


Most managers view themselves as being fair and believe they don’t show favoritism. In our survey, we ask employees whether they agree with the statement, “My manager does not play favorites.”

a. 58%
b. 68%
c. 78%
d. 88%

Choose one on the poll to the right and click the link below to check your answer.


The King of Rock & Roll was famous for showing his appreciation, even when he gave me his autograph in 1957. (I still have it.) He didn’t need to show appreciation to me, I needed to show it to him.

Many managers don’t believe they need to show appreciation to their employees. What percentage of employees agree with the statement, “My supervisor tells me when I do a good job?”

a. 52%
b. 62%
c. 72%
d. 82%

Choose one on the poll to the right and click the link below to check your answer.


Providing quality training so that employees can do their job well is a basic ingredient for organizational success. As a result, everyone agrees that training is extremely important to the employee, their co-workers, customers and the Company. With that said, what average percentage favorable rating do you think we receive to the question, “Does your supervisor see that employees get the proper training?”

a. 54%
b. 64%
c. 74%
d. 84%

Choose one on the poll to the right and click the link below to check your answer.