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The King of Rock & Roll was famous for showing his appreciation, even when he gave me his autograph in 1957. (I still have it.) He didn’t need to show appreciation to me, I needed to show it to him.

Many managers don’t believe they need to show appreciation to their employees. What percentage of employees agree with the statement, “My supervisor tells me when I do a good job?”

a. 52%
b. 62%
c. 72%
d. 82%

Choose one on the poll to the right and click the link below to check your answer.

The answer is 62%.

Some managers tell me that getting a paycheck is enough appreciation for their employees. Well Elvis received some good paychecks, but the adoration from his fans was priceless. The intangible rewards for great performances are as meaningful as a weekly paycheck. Showing true appreciation doesn’t cost a manager a penny and the impact can make you a living legend.

"The Survey Says" is written by Richard Reinhardt, Vice President of F&H Solutions Group. You may contact Richard by email at or by phone at 901.291.1546.

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